Sunday, April 17, 2011

Human beings the most Intelligent?

I hear this far too often. "Humans are the most intelligent species" or "Animals are inferior and humans are superior we use tools" all the time to justify our use and abuse of animals, it is the most often used superiority complex in history, longer than the Crusades, longer than the Nazi regime. but no different in its violence towards another being. i never could understand it because, frankly, i do not see our species as intelligent. violent, destructive in ways that animals could never be? sure. but intelligent? no. let's do a run down shall we?

1. What truly rates intelligence? an IQ test designed by and for humans?
Many try and use the long-used Intelligence Quotient test, designed by and for humans, to rate how 'dumb' animals are. when the cow, for example cannot figure out how many 'people' are in the puzzle, the animal fails. of course, i failed this test too, as i am not good at patterns, puzzles, and math, which  the IQ test favors. i favor real knowledge that obviously is beyond the scope of the IQ test's favoritism of memory spans, and pattern recognition. if the IQ test could rate real knowledge of real life events, history, biology, psychology as is used in the true reality of things, many humans who pass as a 'genius' would fail miserably.

                                          "our shields are down! we are defenseless!"

2. But humans have 'evolved' to use tools, animals have not! that makes us the superior being!
Incorrect. true, we, after learning how animals do it, have in fact replicated tools that help us do what they do, such as fly using aircraft, or dive using submarines, or to simply survive (Air conditioning? stoves? homes?) but is that truly superiority, or living inside a bubble to keep our species alive. i am  not kidding when i say we are on technological life support. animals can survive without tools, their anatomy geared for even the harshest of conditions, but humans? we are only as superior as our infrastructure permits. if, by some miraculous event, the infrastructure collapses for long enough, as evidenced by any major disaster (Hurricane Katrina, Japan's Tsunami, etc) we are defenseless. our deflector shields have failed. our weapons, offline. we are now exposed to the very world we seek so hard to stay away from. we are now on the 'other side' of the food chain, prey, weak, dead! many do die in such events proving nature's true superiority over us. not ours to it.

3. But does not religion give superiority to humans?
this argument by far is the hardest to argue for it is based entirely against logic. i do not myself believe in God anymore, for i have seen no proof we can use to support any existance of a higher power. as far as i am concerned God is just a fairy tale made up by people over centuries who are trying to explain the unexplained, to find some justification for death, to explain it, or to ease grief-stricken folks who have lost someone they care about and refuse to accept it. But other than that, i lose it. God may be nice if used to do the latter, to find meaning in something as awful as death, but when it goes so far to infiltrate our justice system, to promote mass death to animals or mislabel our species as 'superior' or the 'master of all creation' i am lost. i have seen nothing of our species that resembles even remotely superiority in the most true form. we commit acts of barbarism that even the most vicious carnivore would never do to their prey. we commit this for no logical reason--we do NOT need meat. pure and simple. it is completely un-natural to drink milk after infancy or from another species. for a species which loves to say how high and mighty they are, i can only agree if they are discussing how destructive our species has become. the meat and dairy industries are the #2 contributor to Global Havoc, which i use as a more accurate term than the largely misleading 'Global Warming' (because many who are now freezing where it was once warm are the ones who are largely in denial over the whole thing, i do not agree with using the latter term). so long as we continue to live life as we are now, we will never see an end to the destruction, or war, or hate. humans love to brag how 'evolved' we are, despite how they never know the meaning of the word, but refuse to go any farther. they want to stick in this rut they created for themselves, never caring at all about the world around them that is collapsing as we speak. one day, we may see our infrastructure fail, and then survival of the fittest will once again re-establish itself, and we will finally see who is truly, the superior species...

"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives, i rather believe time is a companion, who goes along with us on the journey. teaching us to cherish every moment, for it will never come again. after all, Number One, we are only mortal!"

--Captain Picard, Star Trek: Generations


  1. Excellent Nick especially how hunters and meatarians and many closes minded humans think we are "superior" to animals but time and time again I have told them that they never be able to kill animals without their use of tools and other accessories. Maybe a bunny rabbit if she/he does not run fast enough or a turtle but not large sentient creatures. Man are no "superior" to animals and there was a great article written recently about the intelligence of animals unlike man, and if I find will post it here. I also say how "natural" does it feel to choke an animals to death (maybe to some it will )? If they feel it's "natural" then Kill USING NO WEAPONS , use their "canines" on a live animals (if they can catch them) THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO!! that is why they use weapons . A human that can fly a plane does that make him/her a bird? Then hunters say how "God" created brains (lol) for man to kill animals, strange though that so many tend to kill themselves, each other and even their own children plus 99% of recreational hunters do not make weapons of survival they use they plastics and greens and then they think they are "natural predators" in the aniamal kingdom. . In the time of survival when man first started to make tools to kill was out of need to survive, pure hunger that the body is telling the brain you must do something of you will die. Early man were no vicious killers, before the freeze they were mainly nuts and seed eaters and scavenged for food. . Today's recreational hunting has NOTHING to do with kiling for hunger and survival , even *if* they consume part of the animals like the backstrap that is not justification. Their primary purpose to kill is because they enjoy it, they enjoy the "dominance" and the feeling they "owned" the animals by killing them. They are psychopaths and sorry but I have not other words to describe thesse monsters after reading the definition of a psychopaths and serial killers it fit the sports hunters to a "T".

    I believe that our God is one of the stars and he is watching us and why do you supposed so many natural disasters are coming ? I believe that man has destroyed Mother Earth and causing inbalance of the earth atmosphere causing earth quake, and now recently the storm in the south killing many , It's not God's doing it's man and sadly the bible is nothing but man corrupted words. After 2000 year man has putting words into the bible that Jesus never spoke of to justify evil. I have my belief in God and it's not the biblical kind either I believe he is part of the stars and I also believe that Jesus knows it too, he knows all about the lies of the bible and how many used it to kill not only billions of innocent animals but humans too from genocide, inquistion, witch burning and justified slavery, rape, human sacrifice, killing of newborns and so much more. That is not about "God" that is about the devil! "
    Jeus is also among the stars and the only part in the bible that is of Jesus that has not been changed is the beautitude (blessed) and if you read those it's very similar to what he writes in the dead sea scroll.

  2. even if by some miracle that a human caught a bunny, how many would then devour the animal raw?
