Saturday, July 30, 2011

Are Meat Eaters Hateful to Plant Eaters??

Have you noticed that meat lovers seem pretty touchy about even being in the presence of a vegan? have you been told how 'cruel' you are to the 'poor plants?' Has anyone told you how apparently 'disgusting' it is the way cows use their tongues to eat plants? do you often wonder why they even say that? it may be simpler than you realize.

Many animals we eat are plant-eaters

Have you ever did a run-down of statistics on how many animals or more specifically what kind of animals are slaughtered, hunted, or raised for food? statistically we eat more plant-eaters, or vegans than any other. while there are few exceptions to the rule, namely Asia and a few other places, statistically we only eat animals who live by the same rule as vegans do. kinda puts the hate into perspective doesn't it?

Most pets are carnivores

Then you look at their pets, how many are herbivores? how many are carnivores? statistically society's two most favorite, and often adopted pets, happen to be carnivores. dogs and cats. oh sure the odd rabbit ends up 'adopted' but i have seen more bunnies fed to snakes afterwards than treated as members of the family like the dog or cat. if you go to most any shelter around the globe, you often find dogs and cats shown. even if there are herbivores available, and lord knows they need all the help they can get as well, the shelter workers try to convince you that a dog is more proper for you, even if say, a pygmy goat, is just like a dog and no larger than a small toy breed at that. it seems the shelter workers don't want you to adopt an herbivore. wonder why that is?

If you look at it this way, it makes one wonder if it is a hangup we have against those who eat plants. do meat eaters truly believe in the plant suffering argument? if they are trying to debate us, i am sure they must, or they would seem to intentionally look stupid by the mention of that line, which obviously is not what they want on their side in a debate! so it does make one wonder, do they love plants more than plant-eaters? do we get insulted because we are 'murdering' more plants? their pets are meat eaters, they eat plant-eaters, even if humans are truly herbivores, which i believe they are, they certainly show great insult at that mention as well.

it is funny, how incorrect it is to see humans biting into flesh with flat teeth, claiming we are evolved carnivores or omnivores, that tools are evolutionary features. but then our bodies remain 100% herbivorous, our ability to live healthy on fats and cholesterol are certainly not in our favor, our teeth are flat, yet we cling to the omnivore myth. we seem to ignore the obvious. meat is uncomfortable for us to chew, we don't like the taste of blood, (an herbivore trait) yet instead of accepting that, we just cook instead, flavor it with plant-ingredients, and even go to the dentist to treat the symptom of the problem our teeth deal with eating meat--tooth decay, who's primary cause is meat stuck in between and finding its way into the gumline.

if you look at the teeth of any carnivore or true omnivore, their teeth are well spaced apart and it is nearly impossible for meat to get caught in between, and they seem to have healthy teeth even if they gorge on flesh and blood. herbivores, like deer, have perfectly white teeth well into old-age, and eat only plants.

Pigs, a true omnivore, don't need grills to eat meat!

Deer, true plant-eaters, need no dentists to keep their teeth white

It always makes me giggle to see humans treating the symptom instead of the actual problem, since the solution is right directly in front of them in the mirror. we take the easy way out often, but as for the original topic, the hate of plant eaters, it stems from religious, historical, and possibly ancient savagry. many herbivores today were once carnivores in ancient times, the horse for example used to prey on humans back in our ancient history, when we were no more than 3 ft tall. the horse has since become evolved to be 100% herbivorous but that does not stop humans from racing them to death, using them to carry their tools, or even eating them.

Have you ever wondered why horses, an herbivore, have such a large mouth gape?

I may never find out why we truly have it out for plant eaters, but i am going to solve it one day, and until then, i will remain ever vigilant to the plight they face. keep in mind this is nothing against carnivores, and vegans don't hate carnivores the way meat lovers hate herbivores. in fact, i greatly admire nature, and predation, when it is natural. it's those of us who are un-natural that bother me!

"You cannot wantonly justify an immoral act, just because you believe it may be connected to some higher purpose!"

--Star Trek: The Next Generation "Man of the People"